剧情讲述的是In 2016, Pete McBride, a renowned filmmaker/photographer, along with writer Kevin Fedarko, embarked on a remarkable expedition through the majestic Grand Canyon. Their daring adventure spanned a staggering distance of 750 miles on foot, a feat so awe-inspiring that fewer individuals have achieved it than those who have walked on the moon. Their arduous journey was not solely a test of physical endurance but also served as a compelling means to shed light on the imminent perils that cast a shadow over this hallowed landscape.
电影推荐:维拉潘:印度头号通缉犯敦煌,千年不散的宴席地球风暴路客寻记 第一季2015年美国公告牌音乐大奖颁奖礼美丽澳洲第二季致命凶物野性罗马尼亚
电影推荐:维拉潘:印度头号通缉犯敦煌,千年不散的宴席地球风暴路客寻记 第一季2015年美国公告牌音乐大奖颁奖礼美丽澳洲第二季致命凶物野性罗马尼亚