Burdened by the whirlwind of holiday festivities and an unexpected arrival of her parents, Dani, a talented photographer, seeks support from her close friend and lawyer, Amelia. In a moment of desperation, Dani proposes a fake relationship as a convenient solution, unaware that their make-believe union will soon ignite genuine emotions between them. Amidst the tangle of their fabricated romance, Dani and Amelia begin to experience a blossoming connection that transcends the facade. As their feelings deepen, they must confront the true nature of their bond, navigating their way through a labyrinth of tangled emotions while being careful not to reveal the charade to their friends and families. Together, they explore the delicate balance between their fabricated romance and the undeniable affection brewing beneath the surface. Will their pretend relationship survive the complexities of their newfound love? Or will the authenticity of their feelings expose their ruse, forever altering their lives? This heartwarming tale unveils the transformative power of love and the tangled journey that Dani and Amelia embark upon as they navigate through the highs and lows of their unanticipated romance.