The upcoming film "Our Distance with Sex" goes beyond fiction and reality, with no actors, no scripts, and no fake emotions. Directed by Taime Jiang Dali, the film spent four months closely documenting seven individuals between the ages of 25 and 45 who live in Cologne, Germany. These individuals take control of their own destinies and bravely express their situations and feelings. Sophia moves back home to live with her mother and sisters, and decides to engage in prostitution. Soren, strong and passionate about boxing, has no fixed place among his female companions until he meets a girl who captivates him. Leni studies massage therapy and begins living with her girlfriend Pia, whom she is deeply in love with. Stella maintains an open relationship with her boyfriend Nick, but struggles with inner insecurities. These four groups of people cross paths, baring it all in front of the camera, making love as naturally as breathing. But what truly resonates is their uncompromising attitude towards life and their pursuit of a love that brings happiness and total devotion. However, is love really that simple? Can sex truly bring people closer together?